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Rio Tinto Yarwun, QAL and BSL employ 24 apprentices in Gladstone

Rio Tinto’s 2022 Gladstone Apprentice intake has seen 24 apprentices join the teams at Boyne Smelters Limited (BSL), Rio Tinto Yarwun, and Queensland Alumina Limited (QAL), to begin careers in the aluminum industry.

The process commenced in June 2021 with a rigorous selection process involving interviews, assessments, and medicals. This year’s apprentice intake also includes internal applicants who have gained an apprenticeship as part of the employee adult apprenticeship scheme.

The apprentices will be working in mechanical, electrical and instrumentation, boiler making and bricklaying, as well as air-conditioning and refrigeration.

Through CQUniversity, the apprentices will gain practical, on-the-job training and formal qualifications during their four or five-year trades.
The group will also be provided with mentors within the business to assist, challenge and inspire them throughout their training.

Boyne Smelters General Manager Lesley Bryce said “Rio Tinto’s 2022 apprentices are a diverse and eager group who have hit the ground running at our operations. Apprentices continue to be a valued part of our business, bringing with them new perspectives, skills and enthusiasm. I am looking forward to seeing them grow and develop in our teams of exceptional tradespeople and mentors. Congratulations and welcome to our 2022 apprentices.”

Congratulations to BSL apprentices Parker Lindsay, Greg Elliott, Ben Wardell, Chelsy Melville, Glen Butcher, Penny Jones, Lochlan Stowe, Lachlan Bryars, Jarred Straton, Mark Adamson, Hayden Keenan, and Matthew Long.

Congratulations to QAL apprentices Sophia Wright, Lainey Goss, Jack Kingston, Ellie Turnbull, Scarlett Richards, Kearna Howe, and Edward Gilson.

Congratulations to Rio Tinto Yarwun Apprentices Tricky Murphy, Delaney Claridge, Campbell Jarvis, Luke Bebendorf, Heinrich Reimers, Billy Devlin, and Shivana Saunders.


L to R: Parker Lindsay, Greg Elliott, Ben Wardell, Chelsy Melville, Glen Butcher, Penny Jones, Lochlan Stowe, Lachlan Bryars, Jarred Straton, Mark Adamson, Hayden Keenan and Matthew Long.

L to R: Tricky Murphy, Delaney Claridge, Campbell Jarvis, Luke Bebendorf, Heinrich Reimers, Billy Devlin and Shivana Saunders.

L to R: Lainey Goss, Kearna Howe, Edward Gilson, Ellie Turnbull and Scarlette Richards.

Community news News Posted 24/3/2022